Seattle Public Schools


Website Theme Art

Website Theme Incorporates Native Art

During user experience interviews conducted for the SPS website redesign, families shared their hope was that the new design would better represent our community with imagery and icons. One solution to answer this request has been the incorporation of Northwest Coast Native art as part of the overall design theme. The design will be visible in several key locations and pages across the district and all school websites. A link in the footer of the website will provide an artist biography and story of the design.  

Lead by Amy Markishtum, the Web Services Team collaborated with Native American Education Program Manager Gail Morris to help find a Northwest Coast Native artist who would be willing to help SPS realize this vision. Through Gail’s community network, the project team was able to connect with the artist Andrea Wilbur-Sigo, Squaxin Island, Skokomish. Andrea generously agreed to allow SPS to use one of her designs, which has been incorporated into the website theme design.

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